I’ve always loved art. However, one thing about it didn’t make it my cup of tea. Fir explaining my feeling I will show you three images of work of art.
In Fig.1 we can find “Impression, sunrise” by Monet. It is undoubtedly a beautiful painting, however, it is the painter who decides what to show, which filter to use, the technique… The spectator remains passive in front of the painting and thinks and sees only what the painter wants him to think and see. This type of art, no matter how fascinating I find it, is limited.
In Fig.2 we see the opposite of what Monet shows us. We see the reality, the cruel and nude reality, but here there is no filter, there is no difficult interpretation. Everyone understands the same thing. It is real but the art should be something more than just a picture of reality.
In Fig.3 we can see a mix of the first and the second technique: a posed photo with a filter and a theme the author wants to pass. But this technique takes the worst from the other two: it adds a filter that the spectator did not choose and is “just a photo”, something that means nothing at the end of the day.
Note: I am criticizing this art but I have great respect for Monet and the two photographers
What I would like to propose is taking the best from every form of art. I would like a photo exhibition, showing the spectators the reality, but at the same time giving them psychotropic molecules able to give the spectators a filter themselves. Everyone would see and feel different things but that are not imposed by the author, on the contrary they come up from themselves.
After this first introduction I am going to show how I would do it.
It would be a flower with 7 petals. One for the entrance and exit, and 6 for the six emotions.
Sadness, disgust, anger, surprise, fear and happiness.
Before every petal there would be a strong input that can be sensorial and visual, able to change the state of mind of the person who took psychotropic molecules. Then the person should walk into the petal and see the images with his state of mind altered. An example could be the fear,where in that petal I would take war photos. War photos themselves they would communicate little; but when you are scared you bring out all of your fear seeing those pictures.
It would be of course something difficult to realize, by finding the approval to use psychotropic molecules. And nonetheless it would be a very elitarian exhibition; this is because taking molecules is always something to keep under control and so I would not suggest more than 10 people per room, with a total of 60 people inside. The recycling of people also would be slow, I want the participants to really feel the concept behind this work of art.
It would be difficult, but it could revolutionize the world of art.
Genre: Conceptual art
Author: Sun Ashley
Expenses: indefinite + (Payment to be agreed + flight and hotel)
Location: Anywhere