The title for this work of art is strong, but has a meaning. For some people this meaning is liberatory and for others is a cross that they will bring for their whole life.
We are talking about being forgiven.
It all starts with a question: what do you know about your gandparent’s grandparents?
Note:we are not talking about great grandparents but great great grandparents. Each of us has had 16 of them and so I asked 10 people to tell me what did they know about them.
The answer? 159 blank papers and a paper with only a word on it, “Eugenio”.
If you think about yourself you could write a book, on your parents too, on your grandparents probably an extended essay at least. But on your great great grandparents blank, all blank.The same blank that there is in our minds when we think about them. And so these people what are if not blank papers on a wall?
I decided to represent this sense of nothingness by asking random people the question I proposed to you and wallpaper all four walls and the ceiling with their answers.
The name of this work of art should then be “I will never be existed” for a reason. That reason is that a 100 years from your death this is what the world will remember of you and your legacy. It will be all blank, all forgotten, and if you are one of the 160 unfortunates whose great great great nephews got interviewed, there is less than 1% of probability that even your name will be remembered. This is "I will never be existed"
Genre: Conceptual art
Author: Sun Ashley
Expenses: 10£ + (Payment to be agreed + flight and hotel)